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Supporting the Rhone regions with the 5Rhone Plans

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The Rhone River is a common good and a wealth to be shared, preserved and enhanced for the benefit of all. CNR is involved over the long term in the development of the Rhone Valley and, to this end, carries out missions of general interest in the territories via specific programs called Plans 5Rhone.

The Missions of General Interest plans are staggered between 2004 and 2022. Through 3 full 5-year plans and a 4th 3-year transitional plan, CNR has invested €496 million net in the Rhone Valley.
The promulgation of the law relating to the development of the Rhône in 2022 has changed the approach towards 5Rhône Plans which extend until 2041.

Driven by the desire to make the Rhône a powerful engine for regional economic development and ecological transition, the 5Rhône Plans are deployed within the framework of 5-year plans, each worth €173 million.

They respond to specific needs by continually adapting to the reality of the basin, thanks to close collaboration with territorial actors and a common vision for the development of the Rhône valley.

CNR thus technically and financially supports projects carried out by local stakeholders (local authorities, associations, professional federations, etc.) or carries out infrastructure projects that meet their sustainable development objectives.

The 5Rhône Plans are divided into 5 sections:

  • Production of hydraulic electricity and other energy uses (€5,240 million for the 1st 5Rhône Plan 2022-2027)
  • Navigation and river transport (€36 million)
  • Irrigation and other agricultural jobs (€22m)
  • The environment and biodiversity (€35 million)
  • Territorial projects (€32 million)

The 1st 5Rhône Plan 2022-2027 has a budget of €185 million.

You are a player in the Rhône Valley and would like to bring your project to the 1st Plan 5 Rhône 2022-2027?

• To find out if your project is eligible from a geographical point of view: list of EPCI municipalities eligible for Plans 5Rhône aid

• To submit your file: go to our Plan 5Rhône portal


Develop green energies and hydrogen in the Rhône Valley

Develop renewable energies and promote innovation

  • Increase the production of hydraulic electricity with the flagship project of construction of the small hydroelectric power station of Vallabrègues (Gard).
  • Realize demonstrators allowing to exploit the different sources of renewable energies, such as water, wind and sun, in order to participate in the emergence of new production technologies. For example: osmotic energy plant in the Rhône delta; linear photovoltaic research project with direct current electrical architecture (OPHELIA project in Caderousse).

Develop new services

  • Develop the production, storage and distribution of renewable hydrogen, in particular with the ÔH2 project (plant for the production of green hydrogen from renewable electricity at the Port of Lyon).
  • Develop new energy uses in favor of green mobility.

Develop new services with renewable hydrogen

  • Develop the production, storage and distribution of renewable hydrogen, mainly to address the decarbonization of industry in the Rhône valley.
  • Develop new energy uses in favor of green mobility.

Support territorial energy projects

  • Support the territories in the approaches and actions of the Territorial Air-Energy Climate Plan (PCAET) which promote energy sobriety, the local production of renewable energies or the greening of local energy uses. For example, CNR and ADEME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes launched in 2023 a joint AMI intended to support 10 communities, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, to develop photovoltaic projects mainly on the roofs of their public buildings . CNR can also support communities or village centers to finance studies, carry out small installation work or cover part of the salary of project managers.

Strengthen river transport on the Rhône and industrial and port sites

Improve the capacity, safety and reliability of structures as well as the quality of navigation service

  • Increase the availability and capacity of public platforms and locks, create parking and waiting stations.
  • Modernize and rehabilitate port and navigation works located within the perimeter of the geographical extensions.
  • Deploy the partnership with the Departmental Fire and Rescue Services (SDIS) to secure navigation. Participate in dredging operations at marinas.
  • Support dredging and mowing operations at marinas.
  • Develop services for users of the waterway (information system, electrical connection terminals, etc.).

      Contribute to the development of water transport and industrial and port sites

      • Develop new river and port sectors: circular economy, urban river logistics, etc.
      • Participate in the development of the Port of Lyon in line with the Master Plan, and strengthen its link with the city.
      • Continue the development of other strategic port platforms on the Mediterranean Rhône Saône axis: Loire sur Rhône, Salaise, Valence, Avignon and Arles, ensuring their competitiveness.
      • Contribute to the development of river navigation and ship repair professions.

          Support sustainable development of river tourism (cruise and pleasure)

          • Development of new wharves, parking lots and river stops or modernization of existing equipment
          • Support for territorial projects for nautical activities
          • Co-leadership of the Rhône-Saône Cruise Club, with Voies Navigables de France (VNF)

            Support the energy transition of boats

            • Support the development of river fleet engines, notably through financial support from the VNF Modernization and Innovation Assistance Plan (PAMI).
            • Deploy green energy refueling infrastructure at the quayside, in particular through high-power electrical terminals to allow the connection of freight and cruise ships.

              Contribute to a more sustainable and healthy Rhone agriculture

              Preserve water resources and optimizing their management

              • Support rehabilitation and modernization projects for existing irrigation networks to preserve water resources and optimize their management and sharing.
              • Support collective irrigation projects from the Rhône to replace more fragile resources.
              • Support agricultural groups in R&D projects aimed at reducing consumption per hectare and providing the right quantity of water to the plant.
              • Support initiatives to anticipate flood risks on farms.

                Improve the energy efficiency of agricultural operations

                • Reduce the electricity consumption of farmers by developing agrivoltaism via demonstrators on different crop types along the Rhone valley. The Parcelles du Futur project, in the Lyon metropolitan area, constitutes the first agrivoltaic experiment carried out.
                • Develop pilot projects to optimize the energy consumption of irrigation networks.

                Agro-ecological transition

                • Support agro-ecological approaches to reduce the impact on the environment (reduction of inputs, plant cover, innovative and disruptive approaches …). Via its call for projects “Together, let’s support the transition of agriculture in the Rhône valley” CNR is devoting nearly 3 million euros to support 15 projects over 3 to 5 years.
                • Support the relocation of food systems: short circuits, territorial food projects, river tourism.
                • Support knowledge needs in terms of cultural practices, both through training, animation and awareness.

                Make the Rhône Valley a living and dynamic biodiversity corridor

                Sustainable water management

                • Continue the restoration of the Old Rhône, their complexes of lônes and river annexes.
                • Support wetland preservation operations.
                • Improve the “Rhône and tributaries” migration axis by participating in particular in the construction or improvement of fish crossing structures.

                Preservation of biodiversity

                • Preserve terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity by implementing concrete actions in favor of the environments and species of the Rhodanian valley (emblematic species of the river and ordinary species, etc.).
                • Support the fight against invasive alien species.

                Sustainable development

                • Intensify actions in favor of virtuous industrial development for the environment.
                • Supporting plans to combat pollution of the river by plastics.
                • Valuing the concession land with a view to the environmental performance of CNR’s assets.

                Knowledge development, innovation and experimentation

                • Participate in R&D projects, experiments conducted in connection with or with the scientific community.

                Support regional projects linked to the Rhône

                Cycle routes

                • Finalize the ViaRhôna cycle route along the Rhône and connect it with river tourism.
                • Participate in local cycling loops to connect ViaRhôna more broadly to the territories and broaden the economic benefits.
                • Contribute to tourism and service to ViaRhôna users.
                • Video on the ViaRhôna


                • Participate in actions resulting from territorial tourism development plans.
                • Contribute to the structuring of river tourism and the emergence of tourist destinations (Haut Rhône, river Provence, etc.).
                • Support the development of tourist and leisure infrastructure linked to the river.

                Shoreline development

                Strengthen the link between the territories and the river in the municipalities bordering the Rhône by continuing actions to develop the banks and actions that enhance the landscape, culture and heritage of the Rhône, its territories and its inhabitants.

                Territory projects

                • Support actions related to the river that result from territorial approaches (Ecological Transition Contracts, Climate Air Energy Plans, etc.).

                Développement économique des territoires

                • Facilitate the reindustrialization of the Rhône axis and support emerging sectors
                • Support economic development actions carried out by the territories (business incubators, actions to encourage the local economic fabric).

                Sports and cultural activities

                • Development of sporting and cultural activities linked to the river: fishing, boating, canoeing, rafting, rowing, jousting, etc.

                5Rhone Plans integrated into the CPIER Plan Rhône Saône

                The 5Rhone Plans supported by CNR integrate the State-Regions Interregional Plan Contract Rhone Saone Plan. Born from the desire to prevent the risk of flooding, the Rhône Plan has gradually been extended to other issues of the Rhône River, its valley and its inhabitants, in particular to integrate economic and environmental aspects. CNR, as the leading private contributor, has therefore naturally committed itself to this major shared project alongside the State and its public establishments, but also the Regional Councils of Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Cote-d’Azur, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, and EDF.