Due to their topography, the Alpine regions are characterized by an electricity network weakly connected to the general network and regularly affected by power cuts. To remedy this, some territories are organizing themselves into local communities and developing their own electricity production and distribution tools.
Microgrids, these electrical micro-networks, are based on mostly local energy production and use innovative technologies to improve the energy autonomy of isolated sites. They also contribute to the development of renewable production assets and thus participate in the ecological transition.
CNR is committed to the ALPGRIDS project with the aim of facilitating the integration of renewable energies in isolated territories.

This project aims to design a model of microgrids reproducible on several sites and which promotes the production and local consumption of renewable energies.
Alpgrids uses innovative technologies such as hydrogen, and involves local residents through citizen energy communities. It focuses on the study of 7 pilot sites, including the site of Saint-Julien-en-Quint (Drôme), coordinated by CNR.
These demonstrators will make it possible to identify the technical, legal and commercial methods favorable to the development of microgrids on a European scale.
Led by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energie Environnement agency, Alpgrids brings together 12 partners including CNR, from 5 European countries (France, Italy, Germany, Austria and Slovenia). The project will take place between October 2019 and June 2022.
It benefits from a European subsidy granted by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space program for a total amount of 1.6 million euros.